Id'e like to provide my perseptions on Depression and Mania...
- A diminished interest or pleasure in almost all activities
- weight loss/gain against popular demand the drug I've been taking (Clozapin) I have not gained weight
- Insomnia or hypersomnia (over-sleeping)I can't sleep, sometimes for days
- Agitation or retardation of thinking, memory, etc. I have lost my Memory
- Fatigue or loss of energy
- Impaired concentration and indecisiveness, or
- Recurring thoughts of death or attemps of suicide. I attepted Suicide 3 times
- Pain — including headaches, body aches and abdominal pain
- Low energy and excessive tiredness (including claims of being “chronically fatigued”)
- Reduced capacity for pleasure or enjoyment
- Moods such as apathy, irritability, anxiety or sadness
- Sexual complaints or problems with sexual functioning or desire
- Reactive depressions can have some or all of the above, but they are usually not as debilitating. Most people with reactive depression
You can continue your normal work and home duties. With the more seriously depressed people, people can become totally incapable of fulfilling normal lifes responsibilities.
- Mania and a depression mixed.
- Consist of Irratable or elevated mood. During which time the person is excessively cheerful, talkative, sociable, grandiose, energetice, hypersexual, and often needs little or no sleep. During all this a person may feel Depressed.
- The person may be speaking so fast that the listener may not be able to keep up.
- One ma be so Grandiose that he believes he's the presedent or he may change his clothing to a more flamboyant style.
- He or She behavior may be dangerous or inappropriate
- Buying sprees and foolish investments
Bipolar and Schizophrenia can cross the lines easily, I'ts easy to differentiate the two.... Bipolar is mood symptoms and Schizophrenia is thoughts. Thats why when I say I cross over. I am Bipolar but I also have racing thoughts and so I am also Schizophrenic, as I'm sure many of you are.
I dont like being called Schizophrenic... I actually hate it.
I hope this speaks to some of you!
This really opened my eyes to my Illness...
I liked this so much I had to post it on my facebook page
Tell me how you feel about what I posted.
I had no idea that my racing thoughts put me in the schizophrenic category. I was doing good for about a week. I just slept a lot, now i cant fall asleep for the life of me. These ups and downs drive me crazy, and the racing thoughts are killing me. I probably should be admitted but i cant because it could mess up so many positive things going on in other peoples
lives. Please keep me in prayer. I feel like i'm at my wits ends
@Dan S. I know that it has been a few months since you've commented on this post, but I just have to clarify some facts here to avoid any freak outs.
DISORDERED THINKING DOES NOT MEAN THAT YOU MUST BE SCHIZOPHRENIC! Mental illnesses often have many overlapping symptoms amongst one another. Racing thoughts are a classic symptom of a bipolar manic or hypomanic can also experience racing thoughts in anxiety and anger as well. There are no black and white criteria such as bipolar disorder is a mood disorder and schizophrenia is a thought disorder, so that as a person with bipolar disorder in a manic state with disordered thinking must suffer from both disorders. It just simply isn't true. Think of it this way, if someone is in a deep depressive state his or her thought patterns will surely be entirely different from the thought patterns of a happy state of mind. The same can be said during the reverse:If you experience a happy mood youd outlook be more on the optimistic side. Depression is also a symptom of many overlapping disorder as well as a diagnosis in and of itself.
Schizophrenia is often associated with hallucinations and/or delusions, as well as the symptoms described by
You can and I have had a psychotic manic episode where I completely dissociated. There are some very distinctive differences between the two disorders, but please reserve an actual diagnosis from a board certified psychiatrist. The Internet is a great way to be your own health care advocate, but please reference credible sources or go straight to the DSM beforehand. To the blog author: I in no way trying to insult you. I can just picture someone freaking out about something they dont have
Hi Dan & Mellisa.
You have hit the main vein that most pshyciatrist cannot solve. Dan, you are right depression can be over lapsed by mania. A really big unsolved problem. This is called rapid cycling; racing thoughts, mania and back to depression. Mania for some is not the same for others. I am bipolar 1 with Schizophrenia over lapping. The best thing for you to do is copy and paste this into your browser and get your answers solved.
This will clear everything up for you, at least as far as what the professionals can do.
Thank you both for your comments.
Hello Again Dan,
I forgot to address your Schizophrenia dilema. As Bipolars you can experience hearing voices and even see things out of the corner of your eye. This could be included in your manic episode. You can be experiencing this without being Schizophrenic. Don't panic, every Bipolar person is different.
than the next.
God's Word says work out your own salvation. Keep taking your Meds and listen to your psychologist
Love you guys.
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