Immediate Help For Bipolar Christians

Many of the people that come here are seeking answers and Immediate Help for their Bipolar symptoms. They don't want to read articles and stories, although Pastor Dave provides personal testimonies of his destruction. But many are seeking Help and are looking for Hope for their personal circumstances.

The first thing I would like to say to those seeking Help and Hope is that it can only come from Jesus as our loving Savior. As we read thru the bible many times Jesus healed those that sought Him out for healing.

And that's what we need is Immediate healing. Healing from the chemical imbalance, the depression, the manic crazies, and freedom from the thoughts that invade our minds.

Hey lets face it when I'm Manic I feel fine, normal, talkative, ready to take on the world, I feel 10ft tall and 4ft wide.
Right now you may feel like there's nothing that can be done for you.
Your hopeless. But only Jesus can give you a hope and a future.

Please read these verses below. I believe there are Immediate answers for you but you need to be open to what the Lord wants to do for you.
Heb 12:12-13 Eph 4:23.

Many times when we are seeking help from God we fall short because lets face it... We've prayed, we've asked God for deliverance, we went to counselors, we've had friends give us advice.
But I must say the only thing that works is.... The right combination of Meds and The Word of God. You mean that's it!
That's it. I trust my Doctor, my Counselor, my Psychiatrist and of course Gods Word....
The very thing we need for our Imbalance is.... John 17:17 and Rom 12:1,2

There is freedom and hope for our Chemical Imbalance. It may not disappear overnight. My psych said it may get worse as we get older. And I do notice progressive changes in my situation.

Ok what is the Immediate help or hope for my circumstances?

1. We need to be on the right meds and stay consistent with them.
2. We need to be in Gods Word and I don't mean a verse a day. I mean a chapter or two. It will renew your mind. Seriously!
3. Try to get outside, maybe a short walk. any form of exercise will clear your mind.

This list may seem simple and I'm not trying to insult you, but, yes it works.

The Help and Hope you are looking for can only be found in Jesus Christ. . The Worlds Help is helpless, empty, nothing to offer us as believers. It's only by the power and inner work of the Holy Spirit thru Gods Word that we can be set free from the old life and the old mind.

We offer Safe and Godly Councel to those seeking prayer and help. Go to our website Prayer and Counceling Form

More about Dave's Destructive Bipolar can be found here... Bipolar Christian Fellowship.Org This is our Bipolar Homepage.

Kept by His Grace and Mercy....
Pastor Dave Hallahan 

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