If God hasn't broken us yet there must come a time when God brings us to a place of Brokeness, so that we are no longer loving self at all costs.
If we can allow God to expose, root out and change our old way of thinking then we can then be assured that the renewed mind and transformed mind will take place. Listen I know this is hard to do especially when were depressed or going through a Manic stage....
By His Mind in us, God can penetrate deep into uncharted areas of our souls, (I too often resist God's penetrating Into my soul, Sometimes it Hurts) and not only expose but cleanse and heal us from our ungodly thoughts. And also root out any strongholds that the enemy may have there. This is why its so critical to bring every thought captive. 2Co 10:4 (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;)
"Casting down imaginations", and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God....
We must see where our thoughts are coming from and see if they reveal God's voice, Satan's voice or self's voice....
God is constantly nudging us to quit our way of thinking and go in the opposite direction. Unfortunately we don't always hear HIm, and sadly we don't always want to hear Him, because we'd rather stay in control of our lives. (manic)
I so often hear from so many that their husbands or wives, that their spouses are not taking their meds because they like that Manic high.
We want to stay in control of that rush.
However Because God Loves us so much and because He wants us to have abundant life Here and right now, He often allows circumstances in our lives that will force us to see for ourselves our wrong priorities (ourselves, Our Flesh). He pushes us up against our wall...

God Knows that the surest way for us to recognize that were not as close to the Lord as we should be is by allowing us to trip, fall, and then bring us to Brokeness, crushing us until we come to Him fresh and new. God loves us so much that He's not going to take second place... Exo 20:5 Thou shalt not bow down thyself to Idols (self), nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God
am a jealous God.....
If You would like to share or get some Godly advice, please email me.... Dave@christian-internet.com
HI Pastor Dave,
Could I get a hard copy of these blogs about renewing the mind...i tried to send to my husband as an email so he could print it out but the post doesn't come through to email...ps- sorry we aren't that great at this 'puter stuff...
and I am so thankful I found your site!
Can i get a hard copy of this article on renewing of the mind?
I thought I just sent a message? LOL not computer savvy
Tried to email it and print it but that didn't work
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