Help for Bipolar Christians

Is There Help For Bipolar Christians?
We get alot of messages from people not taking there medications and wondering why they do what they do or wondering why they are feeling the way they do. We would like to encourage you to take your meds. I remember once a while back a Doctor was going through my website and wrote me saying He was blown away that I encouraged people to take their Meds. Anyway, if you are feeling Anxious or Depressed or Suicidal make sure you are doing what your Doctors are telling you even though it might not seem right, trust them.

The other thing is many are asking about ministry things. If God has called you then don't run from God. God knows your bipolar, He knows what you are going through and he knows how to deal with you as a child of God.  However there are alot of Pastors that don't know how to approach the Bipolar-Christian. But in any case move forward into what ever area of ministry God has called you into and watch God bless you.  On the other hand you will be operating in the flesh if God has not called you and it will be a struggle to continue.  But if there is a peace and you feel God wants you in ministry then God will bless it.

So there is help for the bipolar Christian.....

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